Please click on any of our news stories below to learn more about what has been going on in the world of Far UVC & BiocareUV.
BiocareUV Demonstrates Efficiency and Green Credentials with Latest Product Testing
BiocareUV, a leading provider of innovative ultraviolet technology solutions, proudly announces the completion of next-phase testing for its production standard products, confirming their exceptional efficiency and green credentials. The results validate BiocareUV’s position as one of the market leaders in FarUVC emitters, delivering cutting-edge solutions for various industries. Through rigorous testing, BiocareUV’s products have demonstrated […]
BiocareUV Ltd shortlisted for Medtech & Healthtech StartUp of the year at North West Startup Awards for cutting-edge FarUVC technology.
We are thrilled to announce that BiocareUV Ltd has been shortlisted for the Medtech & Healthtech StartUp of the year category at the North West Startup Awards. We received a record number of entries this year, so it is a great achievement to make it to the shortlist. According to Fresh Business Thinking, the platform […]
BiocareUV Ltd’s BioWAND and BioTILE: Passing Safety Standards with Flying Colours – Pioneering FarUVC Technology for Effective and Safe Disinfection Solutions
We are thrilled to announce that our innovative FarUVC products, the BioWAND and BioTILE, have passed the rigorous IEC 60335-2 (the International Standard dealing with the safety of electric air-cleaning appliances for household and similar purposes) tests with the British Standards Institute (BSI). This is a significant milestone for our company, and it underscores our […]
Pioneering Factory Design for 222nm FAR-UVC Product Manufacturing
In recent times, the potential of 222nm far ultraviolet-C (FAR-UVC) technology as a highly effective and safe disinfection solution has gained significant attention. With its ability to inactivate viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, without posing harm to human skin and eyes, 222nm FAR-UVC has emerged as a promising breakthrough in the field of disinfection. To meet the […]
Global burden of bacterial antimicrobial resistance in 2019: a systematic analysis
Read the full article here > Download PDF Summary Background Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a major threat to human health around the world. Previous publications have estimated the effect of AMR on incidence, deaths, hospital length of stay, and health-care costs for specific pathogen–drug combinations in select locations. To our knowledge, this study presents the […]
How can UVC light help to keep your staff and visitors safe
UK-based manufacturers, BiocareUV, discuss their Far UVC solution created to tackle harmful pathogens, viruses, and bacteria in minutes. As the world struggles with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, scientists warn that deadly outbreaks of other viruses are inevitable. History has made this quite clear: over six deadly influenza pandemics and epidemics have destroyed the lives […]
Coronavirus has highlighted that we are still vulnerable to pandemics. It is now self-evident that combating the highly contagious diseases, disinfection and timeliness are critical in global healthcare. But, the next generation in sanitisation is closer than you think! BiocareUV and Cardiff Metropolitan University have signed an MoU to create a long term programme of […]
BiocareUV ltd. commences R&D contract with Public Contracts Scotland as part of the HAARSAIN SBRI competition “Reducing Spread of Airborne Pathogens in Healthcare”.
BiocareUV Ltd will research and develop new UV technology with associated control software. This will be tested in NHS Tayside sites as part of the SBRI. https://biocareuv.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Tayside-NHS-BiocareUV.mp4 The Scottish Government funded Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition has funded a number of projects through the Chief Scientific Office (CSO) with additional contributions from Transport Scotland. […]
A Lightbulb Moment
BiocareUV Limited were proud to be sponsors of an educational & informative webinar hosted by FAR UVC AFRICA. World leaders came together to answer questions about FarUVC and the effectiveness and safety of this revolutionary technology. To learn more, complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.
Presenting Bioport
Introducing BiocareUV’s new BIOPORT™ Far UV sanitising gate. Part of a range of Far UV products at 222nm that are designated safe for occupied spaces. Designed and manufactured 100% in the UK with government backing. Weighing just 102kgs the #Bioport is easily assembled and light weight With 2 high-power Far-UVC biolumes on either side, the Bioport […]
Depth Penetration of Light into Skin as a Function of Wavelength from 200 nm – 1000 nm
Louise Finlayson,Isla R.M. Barnard,Lewis McMillan,Sally H. Ibbotson,C. Tom A. Brown,Ewan Eadie,Kenneth Wood, First published: 26 October 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/php.13550 This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of […]