Please click on any of our news stories below to learn more about what has been going on in the world of Far UVC & BiocareUV.
A Lightbulb Moment
BiocareUV Limited were proud to be sponsors of an educational & informative webinar hosted by FAR UVC AFRICA. World leaders came together to answer questions about FarUVC and the effectiveness and safety of this revolutionary technology. To learn more, complete the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.
Presenting Bioport
Introducing BiocareUV’s new BIOPORT™ Far UV sanitising gate. Part of a range of Far UV products at 222nm that are designated safe for occupied spaces. Designed and manufactured 100% in the UK with government backing. Weighing just 102kgs the #Bioport is easily assembled and light weight With 2 high-power Far-UVC biolumes on either side, the Bioport […]
Depth Penetration of Light into Skin as a Function of Wavelength from 200 nm – 1000 nm
Louise Finlayson,Isla R.M. Barnard,Lewis McMillan,Sally H. Ibbotson,C. Tom A. Brown,Ewan Eadie,Kenneth Wood, First published: 26 October 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/php.13550 This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the Version of […]
BiocareUV Marketing Campaign June 2021
BiocareUV are pleased to announce our marketing campaign for Q3. Over the last 18 months we have missed out on all the things we once took for granted; Concerts, Cinemas, Drinks with friends, Live sports… Well now it’s time to Bring it all Back!! BiocareUV are working with all sectors and we’re justifiably proud of […]
Safety & Health Expo Connect 2021
We’ll be exhibiting at Safety & Health Expo Connect from 1-30 June. This online marketplace and meetings event will provide an opportunity to reconnect with health & safety colleagues and suppliers. Secure your free ticket: Click here