Coronavirus has highlighted that we are still vulnerable to pandemics. It is now self-evident that combating the highly contagious diseases, disinfection and timeliness are critical in global healthcare. But, the next generation in sanitisation is closer than you think!

BiocareUV and Cardiff Metropolitan University have signed an MoU to create a long term programme of development for next generation sanitisation systems. The mixed graduate-industry Research & Development team will develop advanced algorithms, filtered FarUVC sanitisation light (safe for occupied spaces) and the associated software, networks, autonomy and robotics to control sanitisation within complex spaces indoors.
With the MoU signed, the funded project aims to rapid-prototype the proof of concept of affordable human-centred Far-UV Disinfection Robots, novelly safe for use when people are present, with the joint capabilities from EUREKA Robotics, PDR and BioCareUV. Combating the highly contagious diseases, disinfection and timeliness are critical in global healthcare and public.
The programme is comprehensive and is scheduled to run over several years to develop the worlds most advanced and trusted system-of-systems for sanitisation.
For further details and updates on the progress, please sign up for our newsletter.