Our Products

BiocareUV have manufactured products for all sectors and budgets and we continue to develop our range in line with new technologies and customer feedback.
BiocareUV products are manufactured in the UK with government backing. Safety is our priority and these products have been fully tested to CE & UKCA standards making BiocareUV a world leader in FarUV technology.

Because of the lamps power, the BioLUME is ideal for high ceilings. It safely sanitises the area throughout the day destroying any viruses or bacteria that are present.
The BioLUME is perfect for Arenas, Airports, Train Stations, Stadiums, Churches, Conference Centres and other occupied spaces with high ceilings.

This tile fixture can be used in conjunction with the existing lighting to provide continuous air and surface disinfection in occupied spaces.
The BioTILE safely sanitises the area over WiFi in conjunction with our proprietary software. Ideal for offices, hospitals, trains, aeroplanes, hotels and all indoor spaces with lower ceilings.

BiocareUV’s BioPORT uses Far-UV 222nm light to provide a disinfection system that is a safe entry with pathogen protection to stadiums, events, cruise ships and hospital wards.
Optional health passport QR reader, thermal hand scanner & barcode scanner can also be installed.

The BioWAND is hand held and the battery unit is straped to the operators back. It is waved over the desired area, killing bacteria and viruses leaving it safely sanitised.
Suitable for high touch points such as PC equipment, phones, door handles, canteen areas and restrooms.